
Welcome to Natalie's-Beauty! At Natalie's-Beauty, I am a fully qualified and insured aesthetics practitioner in dermal fillers anti-wrinkle treatment and prescription only drugs, all prescriptions are ordered through my prescriber to adhere to the aesthetics legal guidelines.

With my expertise in administering anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers and micro needling, I can help you achieve a youthful and radiant appearance.

Additionally, I specialize in 4 methods of hair extensions, allowing you to enhance your natural beauty.

With years of experience and a passion for the hair & beauty industry, I am committed to delivering outstanding results that will leave you feeling confident and beautiful.to the highest quality.

Crow Feet

Crow's feet treatment involves non-surgical cosmetic procedures like B-Tox to reduce wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, providing a more youthful appearance.

Frown lines

Frown lines, often called glabellar lines or " Number 11 lines," are wrinkles that appear between the eyebrows due to repetitive facial muscle movements and are treated with injectable B-Tox.

Lip Lines

Lip lines, also known as perioral wrinkles or smoker's lines, are fine vertical lines around the mouth caused by aging and sun exposure, often treated with dermal fillers or B-Tox.

Bunny Lines

Bunny lines are diagonal wrinkles that appear on the sides of the nose when you scrunch or wrinkle your nose. They can be treated with B-Tox injections.

Droopy Eyebrows

Droopy eyebrows refer to a sagging or low position of the eyebrow, typically caused by aging or genetics, B-Tox can also help to lift the brow can help rejuvenate their appearance.


Anti-wrinkle and filler pre care and after care. Please plan social events around your treatment as redness, bruising and swelling may occur post treatment. - Please let me know if you plan to travel within 4 weeks. - You cannot have any treatment if you are feeling unwell. - For lip filler please advised if prone to cold sores - Advise if you are pregnant /trying to get pregnant or breast feeding. - Advise any medications that you are taking prescribed via your GP as this could have an adverse effect on B-Tox - You MUST refrain from taking any pain killer medication that contains ibuprofen (this only applies to medication that is not prescribed by a GP) This is due to ibuprofen may contribute to bruising this is best if can avoid been taken 7 days prior. - You may have redness, bumps and swelling from the treatments this should settle within 1-4 hours post treatment. - Do not put pressure on the area of treatment for 8 hours min, filler can be gently massaged. - Sat upright for 4 hours posts treatment. - Makeup must not worn within a 24hr period post treatment this includes any facial creams and lotions. - Avoid alcohol, excessive sunbeds and saunas 24 hours post treatment. - If a bruise does occur this may take a few days to appear and can take max 10 days to disappear also, please note ibuprofen can increase bruising so avoid taking 24-48 hours post treatment. - B-tox treatment will take effect 1-3 days post treatment, by 14 days full results will be seen.


Nasolabial lines are the lines from the nose to the mouth and mouth to the chin, dermal fillers are used to refresh facial appearances of the lines, results are not immediately noticeable and could take up to 14 days for full effect.


Lip fillers are cosmetic injectables containing hyaluronic acid, used to augment and shape lips for a fuller appearance and improved aesthetics in a non-surgical procedure.

Dermal Aftercare

Anti-wrinkle and filler pre care and after care. Please plan social events around your treatment as redness, bruising and swelling may occur post treatment. - Please let me know if you plan to travel within 4 weeks. - You cannot have any treatment if you are feeling unwell. - For lip filler please advised if prone to cold sores - Advise if you are pregnant /trying to get pregnant or breast feeding. - Advise any medications that you are taking prescribed via your GP as this could have an adverse effect on B-Tox - You MUST refrain from taking any pain killer medication that contains ibuprofen (this only applies to medication that is not prescribed by a GP) This is due to ibuprofen may contribute to bruising this is best if can avoid been taken 7 days prior. - You may have redness, bumps and swelling from the treatments this should settle within 1-4 hours post treatment. - Do not put pressure on the area of treatment for 8 hours min, filler can be gently massaged. - Sat upright for 4 hours posts treatment. - Makeup must not worn within a 24hr period post treatment this includes any facial creams and lotions. - Avoid alcohol, excessive sunbeds and saunas 24 hours post treatment. - If a bruise does occur this may take a few days to appear and can take max 10 days to disappear also, please note ibuprofen can increase bruising so avoid taking 24-48 hours post treatment. - B-tox treatment will take effect 1-3 days post treatment, by 14 days full results will be seen.


Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that involves a device with fine needles to create controlled micro-injuries in the skin. This stimulates collagen and elastin production, promoting skin rejuvenation. It can improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and skin texture. Topical numbing cream is usually applied for comfort. After the procedure, there may be some redness and mild swelling, but downtime is minimal, and results become noticeable over time with multiple sessions. Microneedling can be performed by a licensed skincare professional.


After undergoing microneedling, proper aftercare is crucial to ensure optimal results and minimize any potential side effects. Here are some general guidelines for microneedling aftercare: Avoid Sun Exposure: Protect your skin from direct sunlight for at least a week after the procedure. If you need to go outside, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Gentle Cleansing: Clean your face with a mild cleanser to remove any impurities. Avoid using harsh or abrasive cleansers for the first few days. Moisturize: Keep your skin well-hydrated by applying a gentle, non-comedogenic moisturizer. This helps soothe the skin and promotes healing. Avoid Active Ingredients: Steer clear of products containing retinoids, alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), and other active ingredients for a few days post-microneedling to prevent irritation. No Makeup: Refrain from using makeup for at least 24 hours after the procedure. This allows your skin to breathe and reduces the risk of infection. Avoid Sweating: Skip intense workouts or activities that make you sweat for at least 24 hours. Sweating can increase the risk of infection. Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to keep your body and skin well-hydrated. This supports the healing process. Patience is Key: Allow your skin to heal naturally and avoid picking at any scabs or peeling skin. This helps prevent scarring and ensures the best results. Follow Professional Advice: Your skincare professional may provide specific instructions based on your skin type and the microneedling device used. Follow their advice for the best outcome. If you experience prolonged redness, swelling, or any unusual symptoms, it's essential to contact your skincare professional for guidance. Remember that individual reactions to microneedling can vary, so following proper aftercare is essential for a successful outcome.

Gummy Smile

A gummy smile, is when you smile and too much of your gumline is visible. There are various factors that can cause a gummy smile, including overactive upper lip muscles, jaw development problems, or bite problems.

Advanced B-Tox Lip Flip

Subtle and natural-looking results.Less invasive than lip fillers.Quick and relatively painless procedure. Reduced "gummy smile" appearance.A more relaxed, youthful upper lip.

Advance B-Tox Masseter

tension, pain, and clenching.Relieving headaches.Contouring a square jaw.Creating a balanced face shape.

Advance B-Tox chin dimples

B-Tox is a treatment option for chin dimples as it directly addresses the muscle that is causing the issue. The appearance of dimples across the chin occurs because the muscle underneath is contracting too much. To stop the appearance of the dimples, you must stop the contraction of the muscle, which is precisely what Botox does. Botox can also weaken the overactive mentalis muscles that cause chin dimples. 

Advance B-Tox down turn smile

The depressor anguli oris is a paired muscle located on either side of the face. It allows individuals to express emotions by moving the corners of their mouth, particularly in a downward direction B-Tox and the Depressor Anguli Oris: Some people perceive this muscle to be overactive, resulting in a persistent frown-like appearance. Conditions such as Bell’s palsy, Ramsay Hunt syndrome, Lyme disease, or facial trauma can affect this muscle. To address this, Botox (a form of botulinum toxin) can be injected into the depressor anguli oris. Botox works by blocking nerve signals that cause the muscle to contract.


Anti-wrinkle and filler pre care and after care. Please plan social events around your treatment as redness, bruising and swelling may occur post treatment. - Please let me know if you plan to travel within 4 weeks. - You cannot have any treatment if you are feeling unwell. - For lip filler please advised if prone to cold sores - Advise if you are pregnant /trying to get pregnant or breast feeding. - Advise any medications that you are taking prescribed via your GP as this could have an adverse effect on B-Tox - You MUST refrain from taking any pain killer medication that contains ibuprofen (this only applies to medication that is not prescribed by a GP) This is due to ibuprofen may contribute to bruising this is best if can avoid been taken 7 days prior. - You may have redness, bumps and swelling from the treatments this should settle within 1-4 hours post treatment. - Do not put pressure on the area of treatment for 8 hours min, filler can be gently massaged. - Sat upright for 4 hours posts treatment. - Makeup must not worn within a 24hr period post treatment this includes any facial creams and lotions. - Avoid alcohol, excessive sunbeds and saunas 24 hours post treatment. - If a bruise does occur this may take a few days to appear and can take max 10 days to disappear also, please note ibuprofen can increase bruising so avoid taking 24-48 hours post treatment. - B-tox treatment will take effect 1-3 days post treatment, by 14 days full results will be seen.

A few random images that may be of interest.

We work with medics and non-medics to provide a prescribing service predominately within the aesthetics industry. We are able to prescribe toxins (B-Tox, azzalure, bocouture etc.), anaesthetics, dermal fillers, consumables, fat dissolving, orthopaedics, vitamin B12s, antibiotics and more. 
An aesthetic practitioner, also known as an aesthetician, is a beautification specialist who provides treatment to superficial layers of skin. 
Yes, I have full insurance for all the work I undertake, mobile or home based. My policy is with PolicyBee. On all my treatments / visits / meetings the full policy document will be on full view or please feel free to contact me directly for further details.
Would advise not to bring children but please let me know if you wish to discuss options.
Every procedure needs a consultation (which I offer for free) , this is for insurance purposes and to forward  to my medical prescriber to order your prescriptions as its all done on a personal prescription basis.
To get the best results a B-Tox review and top up is required this has a 14 days shelf life and has to be used within the timescale, this will be kept in a locked fridge and will be for your use only, after 14 days I will have to discard.
18 years old is the minimum age for any treatment.
Ideally avoid excessive alcohol ,gym, sauna and steam rooms prior to any treatment.
Aftercare information is on this website but I will provide you with the do's and don’ts after treatment.
All will be discussed at the consultation stage.
For all filler treatment a cap test is preformed before and after treatment to check the blood supply , however I will call within 4 hours of treatment to check for anything , I have regular contact with a medical practitioner and have the correct procedures in place for any issues.
I hope you’re feeling great about your experience with Natalie, but we want to know for sure.
Please take a minute to tell us how you really feel about your treatment and service received. 
(look for discount message once completed)

Your feedback will be a big help us serve you better.

Thank You - Natalie

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Approx date of treatment
  • Jump, Barnsley, England, United Kingdom
  • S74 0JL

Please feel free to contact me anytime with any questions. Website design by GJGJ (use this 'contact us' for info)

Our refund and cancellation policy underscores our commitment to your satisfaction and convenience. Should you find yourself unsatisfied with our services, we offer a consultation period within 48 hours of the mentioned treatment. However, please note that refunds are not applicable to salon services. Instead, we request your presence at our clinic within 2 days for a visual inspection. During this visit, we'll make every effort to address any concerns and explore potential adjustments or alternative options to ensure your complete satisfaction. Your feedback is invaluable, and we are dedicated to providing you with the best possible experience at our clinic.