Crow's feet treatment involves non-surgical cosmetic procedures like B-Tox to reduce wrinkles at the corners of the eyes, providing a more youthful appearance.
Frown lines, often called glabellar lines or " Number 11 lines," are wrinkles that appear between the eyebrows due to repetitive facial muscle movements and are treated with injectable B-Tox.
Lip lines, also known as perioral wrinkles or smoker's lines, are fine vertical lines around the mouth caused by aging and sun exposure, often treated with dermal fillers or B-Tox.
Bunny lines are diagonal wrinkles that appear on the sides of the nose when you scrunch or wrinkle your nose. They can be treated with B-Tox injections.
Droopy eyebrows refer to a sagging or low position of the eyebrow, typically caused by aging or genetics, B-Tox can also help to lift the brow can help rejuvenate their appearance.
Anti-wrinkle and filler pre care and after care. Please plan social events around your treatment as redness, bruising and swelling may occur post treatment. - Please let me know if you plan to travel within 4 weeks. - You cannot have any treatment if you are feeling unwell. - For lip filler please advised if prone to cold sores - Advise if you are pregnant /trying to get pregnant or breast feeding. - Advise any medications that you are taking prescribed via your GP as this could have an adverse effect on B-Tox - You MUST refrain from taking any pain killer medication that contains ibuprofen (this only applies to medication that is not prescribed by a GP) This is due to ibuprofen may contribute to bruising this is best if can avoid been taken 7 days prior. - You may have redness, bumps and swelling from the treatments this should settle within 1-4 hours post treatment. - Do not put pressure on the area of treatment for 8 hours min, filler can be gently massaged. - Sat upright for 4 hours posts treatment. - Makeup must not worn within a 24hr period post treatment this includes any facial creams and lotions. - Avoid alcohol, excessive sunbeds and saunas 24 hours post treatment. - If a bruise does occur this may take a few days to appear and can take max 10 days to disappear also, please note ibuprofen can increase bruising so avoid taking 24-48 hours post treatment. - B-tox treatment will take effect 1-3 days post treatment, by 14 days full results will be seen.